Donate your Blood for a reason and let that reason be Life
World Blood Donor Day is celebrated on June 14 every year. This event serves to raise awareness about the need for safe blood and the importance of unpaid blood donors. A blood supply that is sufficient to meet the needs of patients is a key component of a successful health system. It is used for the planned treatment and the urgent interventions. It can be utilized for patients with life threatening conditions. Blood is a necessary resource for the planned treatments and the urgent interventions. It is helpful for patients who are suffering from life threatening conditions for living longer and with a higher quality of life. It supports complex medical and surgical procedures.
Since the rise of the pandemic, we are entitled to be at home and due to this we are not able to take part in awareness programs. So, the cadets of Flight A have taken this concept into account in order to provide more information and make the general public aware of the importance of Blood Donation. The cadets have taken keen interest in creating posters, videos etc... So, let us have a look on the activities taking place on Blood donation day. The tasks were divided into three parts: Video creation ,Content creation(posters), Short documentary video creation.
Video Creation:
Videos have a great potential in spreading the information, so it was decided to create a short video which comprises of information based on Blood donation. The video contains the benefits and uses of blood donation, and this marks a significant task for the day. LFC Hayyan has taken in account to allot this task to Cdt. Sambramha who has taken great efforts in creating the video for the Blood donation day.
Short Documentary :
This step comprises of Cadets taking active part in creating videos where they try to provide genuine information through facts, This is beneficial in giving more information to people through videos where topics are explained in a more detailed way. Cdt. Sunidhi, Cdt Calix, Cdt. Lohith and Cdt. Anwitha have taken tremendous efforts along with Cdt. Manish who has helped them in creating the videos.
Content Creation (Posters) :
It has been noticed that illustrative posters attract more people, and this helps in spreading awareness in a more a informative way, So we at missionawareness have been posting posters for more than a month now and it has been able to achieve very great results. For the cause of spreading information on Blood donation day, Cdt. Anwitha, Cdt Ananya, Cdt. Mandeep, Cdt Vishnupriya and Cdt. Nithish have taken a lot of efforts along with Cdt Prathik who has helped them too in designing the posters for the cause of spreading more information.
It is a good deed if we donate blood, as it helps many people as required. It is a necessity to donate blood and we can take these steps during blood donation camps and many more activities like these. The cadets of Flight A have taken a lot of effort in marking the importance for the blood donation day, so let us be a responsible citizen and donate blood in ways we can. So here are some FAQs related to donating blood during Covid-19.
1) Is it okay for me to donate blood during the coronavirus outbreak?
In healthcare settings across the United States, donated blood is a lifesaving, essential part of caring for patients. The need for donated blood is constant, and blood centers are open and in urgent need of donations. CDC encourages people who are well to continue to donate blood if they are able, even if they are practicing social distancing because of COVID-19. CDC is supporting blood centers by providing recommendations that will keep donors and staff safe. Examples of these recommendations include spacing donor chairs 6 feet apart, thoroughly adhering to environmental cleaning practices, and encouraging donors to make donation appointments ahead of time.
2) Why should people who recovered from COVID-19 donate blood?
Blood donated by people who have recovered from COVID-19 has antibodies to the virus that causes it. The donated blood is processed to remove blood cells, leaving behind liquid (plasma) and antibodies. These can be given to people with COVID-19 to boost their ability to fight the virus.